Leisure, entertainment and events

Remove queues, enhance customer experiences and drive revenue

No more interval rush

Venues can manage the interval rush with Q-Jump. Specific time slots can be allocated for order ahead or collection orders for improved efficiencies. Guests do not even need to queue with order to seat delivery or pick up via a designated collection point.

Increased transaction values

Built-in features such as “Suggestive Selling” to cross-sell and “Modifiers” to up-sell help to increase average order values. Our loyalty card option can further be used to drive greater spend per transaction.

Capture lost revenue

Whether it’s because of long queues, or a short interval, events frequently suffer from the ‘lost revenue’. Customers that prefer to stay in their seat rather than risk missing part of the show by waiting to place an order during the break. Digital ordering for collection – or ordering for seat delivery – removes that risk, convincing previously-reluctant audiences to spend.

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