The cost saving and increase in sales is now a well trodden path, with data showing a 15-18% increase in individual sales and 30% cost reductions. However, for me it is simply about choice and removing barriers to service. QikServe takes this to the next level and we were the stand out technology, both from the show representatives perspective and the Huffington Post, who said ‘..the most ingenious offering in this aisle was brought forward by three Scots who make up the burgeoning company, QikServe…’. You can read the full article here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/elysabeth-alfano/national-restaurant-association-show_b_1504885.html?ref=fb&src=sp&mimi=1&comm_ref=false.
No hardware, no new device to learn, just a simple elegant solution leveraging the technology in most people’s pockets. QikServe allows diners with a QikServe app on their smartphone or mobile device to simply scan a Quick Response code at a table in a participating restaurant and begin ordering food and drinks straight away. It is that easy! The Huff Post said ‘How we order in restaurants is changing for the better and this was certainly a thrill for me.’
If you would like to know more about QikServe and how to get started just drop us a line.